New Year New You or so they say!
It seems like at the beginning of the year you will hear a lot of New Year Girl New You catch phrases going around.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to evolve into more, than what we were before, however it is really important to not discount what you already are. You see we can put a lot of pressure on ourselves to become what society and social media says we should be. We can be made to feel the small steps towards our dreams are not big enough or substantial enough. What we have to remember is that taking any step at all towards your goals and dreams is faith miracle.
It could have been that you didn't move at all, that you didn't try. Even if you fall, you get back up and keep going. Look for those that encourage you on the journey and let go of those that do not.
Last year you were enough and this year holds true to the same! Keep moving and keep evolving. It may seem like you are outnumbered but God is the chief mathematician and is always in control. Stay focused and keep walking!
Happy New Year #liligirl Family!