Press On!
Now that we are in the 2nd month of the year we have already seen a lot of loss, illness and very disturbing situations in a very short period of time.
These things can easily bring you to a place of discouragement to say this year can just go away already. I want to encourage you to know that in-spite of the early challenges we have seen it does not mean that God has forgotten our desires. On the contrary he is feverishly working bring those dreams to the forefront of our lives.
Now is the time to depend on him more, pray more, seek him more and then go out and be more intentional towards the things he has placed in our hearts to accomplish.
We can't let the distractions throw us off then in the end we have allowed it to take a place in our lives that doesn't belong. Press on with the same excitement that you had New Year's Eve. I promise you it is that determination, mixed with faith that will begin to the yield the results that you desire in your life. Always rooting for you!!